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Chinese Bamboo
This might sound a bit vague, but hear me out. This is a very beautiful parable. I don't know if you've heard this story about the Chinese bamboo tree, but it's one of those lessons that really sticks in your mind. The Chinese bamboo tree teaches us lessons of patience, faith, perseverance, growth and development, and best of all... success about human potential!
History of the Chinese Bamboo Tree
Like any other plant, growing Chinese bamboo requires care - water, fertile soil, sunlight, etc. The first year, there are no visible signs of activity. The second year, there is no above-ground growth. The third year, the fourth year, etc. Our patience is tested, and we begin to wonder if our efforts (care, water, etc.) will ever be rewarded.
Then, in the fifth year, a miracle finally happens! We experience growth. And what growth! The Chinese bamboo tree grows 80 feet in just six weeks!
But seriously, can a Chinese bamboo tree really grow 80 feet in six weeks? Did the Chinese bamboo tree remain dormant for four years and then grow exponentially in the fifth year? Or did it grow underground, developing a strong enough root system to support the potential for external growth from the fifth year onwards? The answer is, of course, obvious. If the tree had not built a strong, invisible foundation, it could not grow and sustain life. The same principle applies to humans. Those who persevere in their worthy dreams and goals, and build strong character while overcoming adversity and challenges, develop a strong inner foundation that can handle success, but the fastest achievers and lottery winners are usually unable to sustain sudden, unexpected wealth.
If Chinese bamboo farmers had dug up the seeds every year to see if they would grow, they would have slowed the growth of Chinese bamboo. The struggle in the cocoon gives the future butterfly the strength of its wings to fly. Just as the tension in our muscles during exercise strengthens them, and muscles quickly atrophy if left unattended.
The Story of the Human Potential Tree (aka You)
The Chinese bamboo tree is a perfect analogy for our own experience of growth and change (whether we're working for ourselves or leading others). It's never easy. You don't see progress. It can be frustrating and not fun. But it's worth it... especially if you can persevere and keep going.
This is the key variable in achieving new skills and thus in helping ourselves and others grow - the ability to persevere even when growth doesn't seem to be there on the surface. Just like Chinese bamboo.
Challenges from Chinese bamboo
Can we stay focused and believe in what we're doing even when we don't see immediate results? In a culture of instant gratification, this is our biggest challenge.
We often tell each other (and our children): "Keep trying! And never give up! But like the Chinese bamboo, we suddenly surprise ourselves. Let's keep the faith in this important work. We live in a society of immediate results. We get annoyed when we have to wait more than two minutes for a service or a traffic light to change. We want complex problems and broken relationships solved immediately. In short, we want it all now! Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's old poem goes like this: It is as true today as it was when he wrote it years ago:
"The heights that great men reached and held were not attained by sudden flights; they always fell upwards at night, while their companions slept.
A Final Lesson from the Chinese Bamboo Tree
But this requires one thing: faith. The Chinese bamboo growers have faith that if they keep watering and fertilizing, the tree will crack. Whether you want to build a successful business, win a Pulitzer Prize, or raise well-adjusted children, you need the same faith. You must have faith that if you keep making phone calls, improving your skills, reading to your children, reaching out to your spouse, and asking for donations, you too will experience rapid growth in the future.
This is where it gets difficult for most of us. We get excited about an idea planted within us and can't wait for it to blossom. As a result, within a few days or weeks of the initial planting, we become discouraged and start second guessing ourselves.
When we become skeptical, we sometimes dig up our seeds and plant them elsewhere, hoping that they will grow faster in more fertile soil. We often see this with people who change jobs after a year or so. We also see it with people who change organizations or change spouses in search of greener pastures. Most of the time, these people get very disappointed when their moso bamboo does not grow faster in the new soil.
They may also water the soil for a while, but soon become discouraged. They start to wonder if it is worth all the effort of planting it, especially when they see their neighbors having success with other trees. What am I doing trying to grow bamboo? If I plant a lemon tree, I'm sure I'll have lemons by now. If I plant a lemon tree, I'll have lemons by now..." They walk away from their dreams in exchange for "sure things".
Unfortunately, what they don't realize is that chasing your dreams is possible if you don't give up. As long as you keep giving it water and fertilizer, your dreams will reach your heart like Chinese bamboo. It may take weeks. It may take months. It may take years, but eventually the roots will take hold and your bamboo will grow. And when it does, it will be amazing.
We've seen this so many times. Henry Ford had to keep watering his Chinese bamboo while going through five business failures before finally finding success with the Ford Motor Company. Another great bamboo grower is legendary rider Eddie Arcaro. Arcaro lost his first 250 races as a jockey, but went on to win 17 Triple Crown races and 554 stakes races, with total prize money of over $30 million.
Well, inside of you is a Chinese bamboo just waiting to snap. So keep watering it, keep believing, and before you know it, you'll fly high.
Does this story of a Chinese bamboo tree resonate with you? Does it inspire you? Will you start doing something different as a result of this small but mighty story of a Chinese bamboo tree? Let me know in the comments below!
Make life an adventure!
P. S. - To see a great video explaining the wonders of Chinese bamboo trees, go here and watch one of my previous motivational videos."