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4 Network Marketing Skills
When I first started network marketing, I struggled for 5 years. If you want to succeed in this business, you need to master and apply 4 network marketing skills.
Network Marketing Skills
Let me tell you about network marketing and the skills you need to be truly successful.
If you, like me, think "I'm no good," let me tell you that there are very few people worse than me.
No matter how bad you are, I want to give you 4 steps to succeed.
I'll give you a framework of what I went through to achieve financial freedom over the course of 5 years.
When I first got into network marketing, I struggled.
It's a foreign concept. It's difficult.
You don't know what the hell you're doing. You're scared of rejection. You're scared of rejection. It's a new world for you.
You're excited about the opportunity. You're motivated. You want to succeed, but you don't know how to get through the initial process.
Let me tell you about the struggles I had when I first started network marketing.
The struggles I had when I first started network marketing
I started network marketing 18 years ago.
The person who got me into network marketing introduced me to my upline, but their compensation plan required six people to sign up. He said, "Only six people. It's easy. You can do it."
When he said "You can do it," it was more faith than I had, but I thought if he said it was easy, I'd jump in.
I never told anyone it was easy. Never do that. It will never come back to haunt you.
When I got in, I made no money at all.
Because I think in the beginning, it's much more important to learn than to earn.
That helped me build the foundation for success. It was really the foundation of self-development.
I was exposed to self-development books. I'd never read a self-development book before.
My sponsor gave me a book called "Think and Grow Rich." I started to have dreams and hopes for the future.
If there is hope in the future, the power will be born. It gave me power, but nevertheless, I went to an event and read books for two years, and I became a sponsor of three. Two of them gave money and participated.
One was my mother. I didn't even tell her that she would participate.
Not succeeded after 2 years
The one who joined immediately quit, and two years later, my group had only one. It was me. That was me. And it didn't get much better from there.
Entering another company and lost. After joining another company, he was defeated, he was defeated after joining another company, he was defeated when he joined another company, and he was defeated in another company, and entered another company. I was defeated.
It was a series of setbacks.
I don't know if you've become anxious, but I felt a lot of anxiety about talking to people.
What happened? Why doesn't it work? "What?
When I went to the event, I saw the people who came in later overtaking me, and I felt very left behind.
I blamed myself after seeing the smarter people who were smarter than me.
I told myself that I was not good at age and head, I wasn't good at socializing, and I was not good at speaking in public. I didn't intend to succeed in this job.
Thankfully, I was hanging out for a sufficient period.
Wring down for a long time
One key. Because we all have this profession at each level.
Speaking of leadership scale, you may be at the level of 3, 4, and 5, but it's not enough leadership to go outside and make a lot of money. If you want to earn money in earnest, you need to grow yourself to 6, 7, and 8.
If you want to build a really expensive building, you often have to dig a really deep foundation.
Thankfully, I was able to finally get economic freedom after spending some basic years.
I was able to travel to 80 countries around the world. It was a crazy and wonderful life.
I personally believe it is possible for everyone.
Almost anyone can do it.
That's because I have seen a lot of excuses than those who failed, but some successful people from various positions.
At the age of 21, I saw a 1 8-yea r-old, standing at the top of the company.
One of my buddies is a millionaire at 24. He came in with no experience and no credibility, and it worked.
Why did he succeed? He had huge desire. He had huge determination and was willing to put in the work.
What I want to tell you above all else is, if I can do it and everyone else can do it, you can too.
Network Marketing Skills to Master
#1: Commit to the Process
The first skill you need to master network marketing is to commit to the process. Commit to the process.
I will make this work. I can't afford to fail.
As for rejection, you may fail. It happens. People may write you off. It happens. No matter how good you are, there will be people who write you off.
You will be called crazy. You will be laughed at and ridiculed.
You will have to be okay with not being socially accepted by ignorant people for a while.
When it's going to fall over, it's going to fall over.
They'll say, "Oh, I knew you could do it."
In some cases, you'll say you got lucky, the timing was right for you, it wasn't right for them.
People will make up all sorts of reasons why they can't do it. That's OK. It's part of the game.
One of the things you have to remember as you go professional is that it's part of the game.
Crazy things happen.
Crazy things happen, and you get frustrated with it, and you feel like it shouldn't have happened, and you're humiliating other people, and then you get in the shoulders of frustration, the groove of disappointment.
It doesn't matter how crazy it is. It's part of the game. Don't forget that.
I was talking to someone at a coffee shop this morning, and we got onto network marketing. It's part of the game.
Every year or two, another company will come along and people will think, "Oh man." The shiny thing. The grass is greener on the other side.
Listen, I've been doing this for 24 years.
That happens every one or two years. Some people quit anyway, so if you think it's not part of the game, you'll be out of the course.
Network marketing skills
Network Marketing Skills to Master
You have to have the will to keep on this path.
The second skill needed to master network marketing is to decide to "absolutely succeed." At this time, everything was united in me.
When I decided to make a network marketing my profession, I continued to work to pay my living expenses until it was full time, but my work was plan B, not plan A.
I was able to earn ful l-time income. Of course, there is a limit after that.
You have to commit to the process. Unless you make that decision, you will not succeed.
Looking at those who earn millions of dollars in network marketing, everything starts with decisions.
Unless you make a decision, you cannot succeed at a high level.
Network marketing skills
Network Marketing Skills to Master
The third skill of network marketing is to acquire new skills.
You need to see this as a doctor.
The doctor goes to the medical school. The lawyer goes to the Faculty of Law. If I say, "I'm going to be a doctor, but I don't go to the medical school," what do you think of me?
If I would be a lawyer and wouldn't go to the school school, what would you think of me?
You may think it's crazy, stupid, or both.
If you think you can be either without going to school, I'm crazy and stupid.
Find a mentor
Thank you for watching my Facebook and reading a blog. I am proud to watch my YouTube video.
There are other mentors. It's good to watch their video.
What I want to suggest to you is to choose one resonance and learn everything from them.
When I met a mentor, he did not show his presence online, but I decided that he was resonated and respected. I thought he was skilled and produced results.
I learned as much as possible from him.
Looking at my presentation today, it's almost his copy. Very simple.
He taught me to be entertaining first and informative second. That's why my presentations are so entertaining. I joke a lot. I don't take myself too seriously. But in general, I have more fun.
Why? Because that's what I teach. If you entertain people, you can get into their minds and avoid skepticism.
Pick someone and learn everything.
I have about 400 videos on YouTube, so if you listen to my coaching and it resonates with you, watch them all.
Learn everything I have.
There's a reason why I was able to build an organization that has grown to over a million customers. It has very little to do with me. It has everything to do with the steps I'm talking about.
Network Marketing Skills You Should Master
Network Marketing Skills to Master
The only way to learn a skill is to practice it.
It's like trying to learn how to ride a bike from a book. You can't learn how to ride a bike from a book.
You can watch a YouTube video and get some tips, but you have to actually practice it. You have to actually take action.
It's the same thing if you want to learn how to play the guitar.
It's foolish to think that watching 100 YouTube videos will make you a great guitarist.
No one in their right mind would think that watching a bunch of videos will make you a great guitarist.
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If you want to learn how to not get ranked in network marketing, check out this blog post.
Make life an adventure.
Thank you for reading this week's blog post, "How to not get ranked in network marketing".
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Matt Morris #1 Bestselling Author of "The Unemployed Millionaire"
Becoming a Self-Employed and Highly Successful Entrepreneur
When do you become an entrepreneur? My philosophy is this... when you say you're an entrepreneur, you are an entrepreneur!
In the Internet world, there are many discussions about this topic. The question is: Is all the mindset all? Or is it expanding your hands on your business venture? In Wikipedia, entrepreneurs are defined as individuals who organize and operate business and business, and take a financial risk.
If you haven't started a business yet, don't worry ................................................................ You don't have to worry about launch, you have to be to is. After all, even if I sell the business and retire completely, I think I'm a fundamental entrepreneur.
If this is the case, "Take a risk, and claim it as an entrepreneur. If you recognize it quickly and start something about it, you will get better results."
The successful entrepreneur featured in the future is that even if you are an u p-an d-coming entrepreneur who just learned to take the first few steps, the risk, fun and adventure of the entrepreneur spirit. Even if you are a leader who runs through, it is for you. The way to become a great entrepreneur is no longer a secret!
How many features do you have?
Successful entrepreneurs Top 11
1. Infinite imagination
The entrepreneur is originally creative and full of imagination. All sel f-employed entrepreneurs have imagination and value them. Google founders may have been able to work for any technology company around the world. They imagined something that didn't exist and made it a reality (and it was a verb!).
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
-Albert Einstein
2. Genius with a clear foresight
This is difficult to teach. I think you can teach how to open your mind, but it depends on the person who looks at it! If you read an article about how to become a great entrepreneur, the list always contains a vision. In some cases, you can become an entrepreneur who follows another person's vision, such as franchise and network marketing. Nevertheless, in order to make the vision a reality, it is necessary to clarify the vision and be passionate.
3. Daily sel f-investment
Firs t-class entrepreneurs read whatever they can, such as entrepreneurship spirit, leadership, sel f-development books, newsletters, websites, and industry magazines!
Self-employed entrepreneurs attend business and marketing seminars, workshops, and training courses because they know that education is a continuous process. They usually find a better way to do things in less time and with less effort.
In short, self-employed entrepreneurs never stop investing in the best, most powerful, and effective business marketing tool at their disposal: their mind!
4. Risk + Action = Self-employed Entrepreneur Success
Swim with sharks. Take the world's highest bungee jump. Run with bulls. Speak in front of thousands. Risk!
Entrepreneurs love risk. If you want to know how to become a great entrepreneur, you must learn to exercise your risk muscles and take action afterwards! Risk mitigation is a good thing. Successful entrepreneurs don't always rush in. They assess risk (and have a high tolerance for it) and then take action. Each person's risk meter may be slightly different, but when the time is right, they step out of their comfort zone and take massive action.
5. Pit Bull Tenacity
Of all the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, this may be the biggest one. They never quit. I mean, never. Things seem unwinnable, there are obstacles everywhere... and most people would throw in the towel.
Entrepreneurship is daunting! Do you have the strength to never, never, never give up? Have you ever seen a pit bull play ball?
6. Relentless curiosity
True entrepreneurs can't help but question everything. They watch a hockey game and wonder what the demographics are for marketing purposes. They wonder how things work and immediately read a book or take things apart to find out. Their curiosity never ends, they ask why we continue to do things the way we do them, they figure out how to do it better, faster, cheaper, and they take action.
7. Sales Professional
Being a great salesperson isn't always about "hard selling." In fact, great entrepreneurs promote the benefits of selling and make their service or product sell for itself. Do you know how to develop customers, introduce them to the right products or services at the right time, and follow up to build your business? Self-employed entrepreneurs work hard to master this! Check out this amazing movie clip to see how.
Did Tommy Boy work a little too hard? If you are struggling with this work, check out the list of sales books!
8. Familiar with technology and social media
From Microsoft's Bills Gates to Mark Zuckerberg in Facebook, all the most successful entrepreneurs have been using technology. You don't need to invent new technologies, but using technology trends to save time and increase profits will give you a great advantage in your business! If you ignore technology and social media, you may lose millions of losses!
9. Unwavering passion
There is no need to worship every aspect of business to succeed as an entrepreneur. However, it is absolutely necessary to have a deep passion for making business success. This is because this passion overcomes all the silly things that you have to experience to make your business a great success. You can only be an entrepreneur, but you can't get to your destination without an unwavering passion!
10. Leadership, leadership, leadership
Leadership is a wonderful news that you can learn, polish and improve. But you need to meet customers, vendors, team members, partners ...
11. Work well and play well
The person who saw this word here will surely be surprised. If you really want to know how to become a great entrepreneur, you have to play hard and know the timing to pull out the plug! The time to charge the battery is important. True entrepreneurs know the importance of not losing passion. Don't neglect the curious entrepreneur and do not fear risk! They live their lives as much as they follow all the passion!
Well, how were you? How many successful entrepreneurs do you have? Are you ready to extend others? < Span> Did Tommy Boy work too hard? If you are struggling with this work, check out the list of sales books!
8. Familiar with technology and social media